Keolis NA Blog

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Focus on Community: Marc Perla on the Launch of the "Arrow Shuttle"

"It’s really important to us that this community that has already fallen victim to lack of access...

A Commitment to Safety: Keolis' Robert Anderson Shares How COVID-19 Put Safety in Perspective

With 19 years at Keolis under his belt, Robert Anderson is the Executive Vice President of Human...

A Commitment to Safety: Keolis’ Teresa Cole shares her Passion for Safety

When Teresa Cole began her career in the 1980s, safety culture was not largely recognized within...

A Commitment to Safety: Keolis Canada’s Gilles Martel Shares How to Maintain a Safety-First Culture

As a former police officer and member of the Army, Gilles Martel understands stressful situations....

A Commitment to Safety: Keolis' Kellie Andrews Shares Her Journey in Safety

June 14-18, 2021 is Health, Safety, and Security week for all global Keolis locations. To kick off...

How a Focus on Equity Can Boost Ridership Post-Pandemic

As COVID-19’s restrictions, lockdowns, and isolation begin to fade in many parts of the U.S. and...

A Leadership Lesson in Perseverance: A personal Perspective from Keolis' Tavares Brewington

From our corporate leaders to our essential front-line employees, our team is connected by our...

Keolis Evolve: Helping Transit Agencies Meet Evolving Demand

Keolis is launching a new product called Keolis Evolve, which is designed to help public transit...