Keolis Communications Team

Unlocking Latent Transit Demand: How Microtransit and Data-driven Insights Can Shape the Future of Public Transit

Public transit systems are essential for cities to thrive, connecting communities, reducing traffic congestion, and fostering economic growth. Yet, for many residents living in transit deserts—areas with little to no access to frequent public transportation—these benefits ay be out of reach or hard to access. A lack of transit options can limit individuals’ economic opportunities, creating barriers to accessing jobs, healthcare, education, and other essential services.

How AI is Shaping the Future of Transit

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an increasingly frequently used tool that has impacted many...

Maximizing Thanksgiving Break with Public Transit: The Best Routes for College Students Across North America

With Thanksgiving break approaching, college students are looking forward to unwinding, visiting...

Earth Day 2024: How Transit Agencies Can Accelerate Decarbonization

Around the globe, public transit agencies are at a crossroads, faced with the imperative to...

Driving Success: How Business Development Powers Keolis’ Passenger Transportation Services

In the dynamic realm of public transit operations and maintenance, prioritizing reliability and...

Transit Oriented Development

Transit Oriented Development: How the integration of housing and transportation can strengthen...

Year In Review: Keolis’ Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) 2023 Highlights

With 2023 now in the rearview, our Keolis teams have plenty to be proud of: new contracts and ...

Winter Destinations: Exploring New Activities Through Public Transit

As the weather gets colder, decorations are put up, seasonal food and drink are served, and...

Summer Travel with Transit: Seasonal Promotions for Late-Summer Trips

Seasonality impacts ridership levels on private transportation, commercial air travel, and, of...